Monday, July 16, 2007

AK Trip - Day Thirty One - Monday, July 16th.,

Prince George, BC to Bellingham, WA
otherwise known as:

The Burlesque Ride

Today started at 6 am in the high 50’s and the temps quickly rose from there. Sunshine was plentiful and more than a bit welcome. By mid-afternoon the temps reached 93. Ted and I both over dressed and every 50 miles or so we both had to stop and peel a layer off. I am sure if someone had seen the whole act it might have looked like an ole time burlesque show.

Our route today took us down the scenic Hwy 97 and Hwy 1 (The Gold Rush Trail) following the Fraser River Valley and Fraser Gorge. These mountains were some of the most beautiful mountains of the trip. Between Boston Gap, BC and Hope, BC (about 30 miles) we passed through seven lighted tunnels of varying lengths as the road decended the steep Gorge.

How can anyone not love riding in the mountains on a pretty day?

Throughout the decent we could see rafters, far below, shooting the rapids. We later learned tourist rafting has become an important part of the local economy. Hay farming and cattle are the two primary sources of income.

The legend claims if you listen hard you can hear the rumbling from hell in this gorge. The brave (or is it foolish?) ride an air tram down to the depths of the gorge to hear it up close. No, neither Ted nor I rode the tram.
Ted and I rode slightly less than 500 miles today on two lane mountain roads. It was a very full day by our standards. We have accumulated slightly more than 8300 miles total for the entire trip, not counting the ferry ride.

I was pretty sure the US border guard was going to refuse entry to Ted today. For some reason Ted could not come up with an answer the guard liked. Eventually the guard must have decided Ted was harmless and he let him through. The guard took one look at my passport and waved me on. I guess one of us was all he could deal with today.

Crossing the US Border at Sumas, WA

Tonight we are in a motel in Bellingham, WA recouping from the unaccustomed heat and looking forward to tomorrow.

NOT I, NOT ANYONE ELSE, can travel that road for you. You must travel it for yourself. ~Walt Whitman~

A window of opportunity will not open itself.
~Dave Weinbaum~


  1. Wow, what a change in temp.! The same thing happened to us last year, BC was having a heat wave (92 degrees) as we crossed. I didn't think it ever got that hot in BC. Welcome back to the lower 48, glad to have you back!
    Ride Safe,

  2. Welcome to Washington. Ted you should feel right at home. If you go anywhere near Winthrop, that is where Kathy and Wes have their place. It has been hot and humid in the Puget Sound Area for over a week. They opened up the Narrows Bridge yesterday. Marg
